Terry Maves, West, Class of 1964

Terry Maves will be inducted into the Appleton West Hall of Fame later this week.

After graduating from Appleton West, Terry Maves earned his bachelor’s in pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Terry served as chief pharmacist for Shopko Pharmacy and pharmacy director for Touchpoint Healthplan and United Healthcare - Wisconsin. During his tenure he collaborated with pharmacists, physicians, clinics, quality specialists, employers, employees, pharmaceutical companies, state legislators, and consumers. He served as President and Chairman of the board of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin. Governor Walker appointed Terry to the Pharmacy Examining Board in 2013 and he was named Innovative Pharmacist of the Year in 2000. 

Terry has been a long-standing leader in his church, as president of the congregation, co-chair of the 100th anniversary, and a council member. He was chair of the board of the Fox Cities Community Health Center which provides critical resources to the underserved. He contributed to the innovation of high school education through his work with AASD’s charter school Fox Cities Leadership Academy (formerly Appleton Career Academy). 

Always looking for a way to give back, Terry led fundraising efforts for the class of 1964 to create a scholarship fund. Terry and his classmates raised $25,000 in celebration of their 50th class reunion. 

Terry married his high school sweetheart Mary (class of 1965) and raised their five children in Appleton.


To watch the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, visit Appleton West's YouTube channel around 7 p.m. on Thursday, October 14. 

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