Sally Hohnberger



Milwaukee County General Hospital School of Nursing


Empowered Living Ministries

Maiden Name



RN for 7 years, hospital, clinic nurse for surgeon, then kidney dialysis. Married in 1972, had 2 boy 1977 & 1979. Made a drastic move to find out if God was real by moving from WI to the Wilderness of MT. Found a real, personal, ever present God that could change my thoughts, feelings, emotions, habits, and inclinations as I learned how to recognize His inaudible voice to my conscience and cooperate with His leading. Began to travel and speak on our experience. Live in MT wilderness for 30 years. God brought me out of inadequacies, unworthiness, despair and fears. Learned to be a balanced mother and raise 2 very fine boys. Continued to travel and speak for 37 years now, have written 5 books, 4 on child rearing by the Spirit, and "How to Live With a Difficult Man". Continue to work full time sharing what God taught me. Truly a heart work nurse in the Christian realm, still growing, still learning with my Lord & Savior.