Jill Swenson



Lawrence University, BA; University of Chicago, MA, Ph.D.


Swenson Book Development LLC


Jill Swenson is literary agent, developmental editor, and CEO of Swenson Book Development LLC. She spent a decade living off-the-grid in upstate New York, previously taught college journalism at Ithaca College and the University of Georgia-Athens and has worked as a car mechanic, a Christmas wreath-maker, and a lifeguard at a women’s pool in Saudi Arabia. She’s taught writing workshops at the Loft Literary Center, Grand Marais Art Colony, and The Mill, a place for writers in Appleton where she lives with her dog Daisy. They like to walk through sidewalk neighborhoods visiting Little Free Libraries. With a Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, 30 years of teaching, editing, and coaching writers, Jill is an author’s advocate.